A delegation from the University of Poitiers in France visited the University of Mostar, and the meeting of representatives from both partner institutions provided an excellent opportunity to exchange information and experiences necessary for expanding the existing collaboration within the Erasmus+ program. The delegation from the University of Poitiers was welcomed by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Sanja Bijakšić, on behalf of the University of Mostar. On this occasion, Vice-Rector Bijakšić expressed a warm welcome to the guests and emphasized that the fruitful cooperation so far has undoubtedly contributed to strengthening and networking on both an individual and broader scale for both partner institutions.
Enhancing collaboration through the establishment of dual-degree programs and the potential for scientific and research connections were the main topics of the meeting. They also discussed establishing cooperation in new fields within the social sciences, humanities, and technical areas. The head of the University of Poitiers team and the head of the Erasmus+ program for Zones 1, 2, and 4, Prof. Dr. Sanja Bošković, highlighted that the longstanding cooperation between the University of Poitiers and the University of Mostar has been built on a strong foundation through the Erasmus+ program exchange, enabling the direct continuation and expansion of their collaboration in various directions.
During the visit, Prof. Bošković delivered a lecture to students and professors at SUM on the Erasmus+ program exchange possibilities between the two partner institutions. The lecture took place at the Faculty of Economics at SUM, where Prof. Bošković was hosted by the Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Anela Čolak, and Senior Assistant Jelena Jurić. On this occasion, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Dr. Igor Živko, hosted Philippe Rogeon, a university professor and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Poitiers.
After the lecture, the guests toured the university campus with a clear message that the visit had yielded valuable and constructive outcomes necessary for expanding their existing collaboration, which will be further discussed in April 2024. Indeed, during the next year, an international event is planned as part of the Mobility Week at the University of Poitiers, where SUM professors and the staff of the Office of International Cooperation will have the opportunity to actively participate in an international conference and intensive workshops related to international cooperation.
Members of the University of Poitiers team, led by Prof. Dr. Sanja Bošković, the head of the Erasmus+ program for Zones 1, 2, and 4, included Laurence Ellena, a university professor of sociology and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Freiderikos Valetopoulos, a university professor of the French language and EC2U coordinator for WP5, Jennifer Johnson Golinger, a university professor of English studies and Vice-Dean for Teaching, Galina Subbotina, a university professor of Slavic languages, and the Head of the Slavic Studies Department, Laurent Paquereau, an online education engineer, and Mr. Philippe Rogeon, a university professor in economics and Vice-Dean for International Cooperation.
Members of the University of Mostar team, led by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Sanja Bijakšić, included the following: from the Faculty of Philosophy, Assistant Prof. Dr. Anita Begić, the Head of the Social Work Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ivona Šetka-Čilić, the Head of the English Language and Literature Study Program, Prof. Dr. Mirna Brkić-Vučina, the Head of the Croatian Language and Literature Study Program, Prof. Dr. Izabela Dankić from the English Language and Literature Study Program, and Assistant Prof. Dr. Maja Nižić from the Social Work Study Program; from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Education, Vice-Dean for International Cooperation Assistant Prof. Dr. Milea Ajduk Kurtović and Assistant Prof. Dr. Željko Marušić, the Head of the Computer Science Study Program; from the Faculty of Economics, Dean Prof. Dr. Igor Živko; from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering, Assistant Prof. Dr. Danijel Zelenika, the Head of the Computer Science Study Program; from SUMIT, Prof. Dr. Tomislav Volarić, and Senior Assistant Tomislav Papac; and from the Office of International Cooperation at SUM, Inja Stojkić, the Office Manager, Ana Šuman, and Marija Nakić.